Monday, July 25th

Happy 2nd day of Color War!   Last night’s rope burn was a very close call with the two team’s ropes burning within one minute of one another. Ultimately, the blue West Coast team won and took the majority of points.

At the end of each day, decorum points are handed out to the teams for cheering, dressing up, banners, sportsmanship, etc. With the decorum points tallied up with all of yesterday’s friendly competitions, as of this morning the leading team with 212 more points was the blue West Coast team.

This morning we had the Track & Field competition and Tug O’ War on the upper ball fields. The Track & Field events were for a variety of groups in each of the following categories: softball toss, sprint, baton relay, medley relay (run, bear crawl, crab walk, back pedal, & cartwheel), long jump, progressive relay, off-road run, and punt, pass, & kick. Each group then competed against one another in a big Tug O’ War. The winner of the Track & Field competition was the grey East Coast team and the winner of Tug O’ War was the blue West Coast team. As of lunch time, blue was in the lead.

Another activity that runs throughout Color war is the “Find the Hatchet” event. The hatchet is hidden somewhere in camp. Our campers (who must be accompanied by a counselor) search camp high and low throughout ILC looking for the hatchet. Clues are given out one per day and are quite difficult to solve. Once the hatchet is found then the clues all make sense and the points are given to the team who finds it.

After lunch today we had rest hour and then team meetings. After the meetings was snack break and then we rearranged the schedule due to rain. We had rain throughout lunch and then later in the afternoon the rain started up again so we ran our Five Period Basketball event (instead of having it for evening activity). It was simply each group playing one another, one group at a time, at basketball. Our campers and staff who didn’t play basketball were spectators and cheered on their team’s players. The grey East Coast team dominated the blue West Coast in basketball. Our kids stayed in the gym for a “cheer off” after the b-ball game due to the rain. Eventually the rain let up a bit so we let our campers go down to the theater for their next Color War event, Battle of the Bands.

Battle of the Banks was an enjoyable event to watch. Our campers (& staff) played a variety of instruments, sang songs related to their team’s names, and each group had a separate battle against one another.  The whole camp stood up on their seats and sang and clapped along with the bands. Everyone was super into it, which was great. There’s been an amazing amount of Color War spirit these past couple of days.

Tonight’s evening activity will be the variety of sports, as long as the weather permits. I’ll keep you posted tomorrow to let you know how the rest of the today goes. Below are photos from the Track & Field this morning. Tomorrow I will reveal the winner thus far in Color War. Until then, we’ll keep the Color War spirit alive and of course, ILC U THERE!

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