Saturday, July 4th

Happy 4th of July! Hope you’re all enjoying your holiday as much as we are here at Island Lake. Campers are all decked out in their red, white, and blue clothing and accessories today. We woke up to rain this morning but it finally stopped right at the end of lunch. Let me tell you, rain or shine, these kids have spirit! Let’s start from the beginning,…

At breakfast this morning we started the 4th of July holiday with our annual speech about how the U.S. beat the British to become our own nation but now we are all very good friends. Our British staff stood at the front of the dining room and sang their national anthem. The rest of us then sang the Star Spangled Banner followed by the chant, “U-S-A! U-S-A!”

Next highlight- MUSIC LUNCH! We played pop music in the dining room and the kids had an awesome time singing and dancing. Everyone joined in on the fun and didn’t want to leave for their next activity. You can view a select few photos of our music lunch below and there will be lots in our daily summer photos later today.

Next highlight- COOKOUT tonight! Burgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers, watermelon, red, white, and blue cupcakes, and more will be devoured at dinner. Our campers enjoy dining outdoors for our cookouts.

Next highlight- CANTEEN will follow rest hour and then as the sun sets we’ll put on a short ROCK CONCERT on girls campus for all of our campers and counselors to enjoy. We’ll also send off some SKY LANTERNS into the air, which always makes the camp “Oooooohh” and “Aaaaaaahh”.

Next highlight- our huge FIREWORK extravaganza! We pride ourselves in having a fantastic firework show. It’s so good that the kids have been talking about it for days and our neighbors even come outdoors to enjoy watching it.

Today’s feature,…patriotic campers at MUSIC LUNCH! Have a wonderful 4th of July and until tomorrow, ILC U THERE!

  • Teen Tour in San Francisco

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